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By Marguerite HeathDirector, Go-Givers

They may not be able to vote yet, but primary aged children can be surprisingly clued up on what’s going on in the world, and often have a view about how they’d change things for the better

Houses of Parliament

A recent Go-Givers survey showed that more than 80 per cent of Key Stage 2 children recognised that it was important to help others – and nearly 70 per cent wanted to find out more about how they could make a difference.

In the run up to the election, Go-Givers invited primary schoolchildren from across the UK to write a letter to the newly elected Prime Minister to voice their opinions about what they think needs to be done to make Britain a better place. There were hundreds of responses from children aged between 7 and 11 years old, many of who showed real empathy and understanding of complex policy issues and outlined potential solutions to those problems.

Letters written by the children to the Prime Minister revealed that the environment, healthcare and youth crime were the top three issues concerning them.

Top ten issues raised by children

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