Easing the transition from KS2 to KS3

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By Christine Jenkins

Use activities and discussion prompts to prepare Year 6 children for transition to secondary school.

The final half term of the year can prove to be a time of mixed emotions for Year 6, with excitement tinged with anxiety. As teachers, we are well aware of the need to ensure our pupils leave primary school ready for secondary school. However, as any parent of a child at secondary school will also tell you, being prepared academically is only part of the story: the organisational and social aspects that are entailed can be a bigger challenge for many children. Planning some transition activities for the Summer term can help make the move from Year 6 to Year 7 a little easier.

KS2-3 transition

Looking forward

A good place to start for a series of transition sessions is by asking the children to write down one or two things they are looking forward to, and something they are worried or have a question about. This could be done in the form of a letter (anonymous if they wish) and given to another child to suggest an answer, or even given to Year 7 pupils. Alternatively, these thoughts could be written on a sticky note and then gathered as a class.

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