Hopes for the future

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By Kathy Alcock, education consultant and author

What do your class dream of doing when they are older? Encourage children to think about their futures and make plans

Girl thinking

For as long as I can remember, I always wanted to be a teacher. It gave me something to work towards, a framework for the choices and decisions I had to make, during my time at school.

Sharing your personal experiences can be a very effective way of encouraging children to think about their future dreams, and to make plans. Give some outline details and then allow the children to ask questions. Explain to them that having a career goal, even if seemingly unrealistic, can be a positive and liberating experience.

As a teacher, in introducing this particular theme, you will need to demonstrate objectivity and, even more essentially, sensitivity. As you allow the children to dream and explore possibilities for their future lives, doubts may enter their minds. The thought ‘no chance!’ may appear. Help the children to dismiss any negative thoughts by encouraging them to adopt a growth mindset. Tell them of those individuals who have achieved phenomenal success in the world of business, sport, the arts, media, and even education. Share stories about such people with your class, and explain how the same may be true for everyone.

Try out the following activities to encourage your children think about their future and all the possibilities that are open to them.

In this article:

  1. Dream recipes
  2. I could be…
  3. What’s your job?
  4. Valuables
  5. Which road shall I take?
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