EYFS: Positive Relationships: 2.3: Supporting Learning

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By Jane Coleearly childhood consultant and recently retired Foundation Stage regional advisor

This month we consider Commitment 2.3 Supporting Learning, which recognises the importance of warm, trusting relationships and your knowledge in supporting children’s learning and development

Woman sat with primary school children

Being positive

Your knowledge and expertise is vital in ensuring every child makes good progress and none get left behind. It is a child’s entitlement that the practitioners who work with them respect and value them as individuals. This respectful partnership with the child and their family enables you to build a caring relationship, which supports the transition between home and the setting. This approach is essential to effectively implement the principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework. Once trust is established, this supports the confidence of the child in exploring the world around them. This bedrock relationship enables the child to play; to follow their interests and preoccupations; to make mistakes; and to discover new connections in their learning.

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